Data Stewardship Policy

Our Approach To Data

Our users’ privacy and security is paramount to us. PayTrail’s values include accountability, collaboration, and integrity. These are reflected in everything we do including the way we approach data stewardship.  



Users’ trust PayTrail with the secure storage of their information and we take that responsibility seriously. We consider data security in all business and product development decisions. We will remain accountable and diligent in keeping your data safe and only use services that have proper certifications and follow data compliance. We will train our team on data safekeeping and ensure all PayTrail employees and partners are educated on our data policy. 


We will create meaningful partnerships with companies who align with our values and who can help us use unidentifiable customer data to improve shoppers instore experiences. We will integrate with other services to allow for the transfer of PayTrail data from one service to another to enhance the convenience and usability of the PayTrail platform. We will publish or share combined, unidentifiable customer data that can be utilized by partners to learn about shopping behaviors and understand product wants and needs.


We will be open and transparent about how we use data at PayTrail. Without explicit permission, we will never share data that can be used to personally identify any user or related person.  We will use data to improve our partnerships and user experience. We will maintain the integrity of our data by ensuring it is accurate and secure.